


從 yum 安裝 php5.3

2015.09.10 | 575閱讀 | 0條評論 | 未命名

今天從? atomicorp.com? 安裝 php5.3 1、安裝? repository key To enable access to both the atomic yum repository use the following automated installer: >wget -q -O - http://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic | sh 2、創(chuàng)建新的 yum 源 >vim /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Atomicorp.repo 內(nèi)容如下: [atomic] name = CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - atomicrocketturtle.com mirrorlist = http://www.atomicorp.com/mirrorlist/atomic/centos-5-$basearch #mirrorlist = http://www.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic/centos/5/mirrors-atomic enabled = 1 priority = 1 protect = 0 gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt gpgcheck = 1 #Almost Stable, release candidates for [atomic] [atomic-testing] name = CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - atomicrocketturtle.com - (Testing) mirrorlist = http://www.atomicorp.com/mirrorlist/atomic-testing/centos-5-$basearch enabled = 0 priority = 1 protect = 0 gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt gpgcheck = 1 #Untested, Unstable, known buggy, and incomplete packages. #[atomic-bleeding] #name = CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - atomicrocketturtle.com - (Bleeding) #baseurl = http://www.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic-bleeding/centos/5/$basearch/ #enabled = 0 #priority = 1 #protect = 0 #gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt #gpgcheck = 1   3、安裝 php >yum install php >yum install php-mysql

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